Browse our catalogue or visit to our shop in Bibra Lake, WA .
200mm / 120mm depth
300mm / 120mm depth
400mm / 120mm depth
600mm / 120mm depth
the ultimate all-rounder
High precision and powerful clamping
strength and durability
We take immense pride in being a top supplier of welding equipment in Perth and WA. Our company is located in Bibra Lake. Visit or browse our online catalogue of welding clamps for professionals and hobbyists alike. Our welding clamps are made from high-quality materials and crafted with precision; they ensure secure and reliable work holding. With our clamps, welders can achieve flawless welds with ease, whether they are working on a large industrial project or a small DIY task. Choose us to experience welding excellence like never before.
FREE delivery within Perth metropolitan areas for orders over $500 (T&C Apply).
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08 6174 3604
A: 10 Hydro Rise, Bibra Lake WA 6163
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